Among the main features that characterize trusts in Seychelles are:
Agreement on the establishment of the Trust is not registered in the public register of the Seychelles;
Target trusts are permitted;
Trust can open a bank account in the Seychelles, as well as it may own shares in the trust assets that do not include property, located on the territory of Seychelles;
Excluding objective trusts, trust existence period is 100 years. It is permitted to accumulate part of the income, but the provision of the mandatory part does not work;
If there are claims of creditors against a founder, they cannot be directed against a trustee after two years from the date when he has begun to operate in trust administration;
Seychelles international trust is exempt from tax liability;
Register do not record data about the trust beneficiaries and the founders;
Founder of a trust can also be beneficial of it;
During the entire duration of the trust, the trust founder may not be resident of Seychelles and at least one trustee must be a resident. The trustee may be the IBC;
Information on the beneficiaries and the founders is confidential and is disclosed only with the judgment of the Court, where proceeds money legalization;
Trust does not become invalid in the case of the founders bankruptcy or in case of his property liquidation, in case of creditors criminal proceedings against the founder (except when the Seychelles Supreme Court recognizes that a trust foundation was carried out by criminal purpose, or the founder insolvency during the moment of rights transfer)